Victim of bullying or any form of assult?


statics show that also 1 out of 5 people has reported to bullying before, more females than males.

assult (includes sexual assult and verbal)

It is common knowledge that females experience sexual assult at high rates. But just how high? research has show that 97% of young women has expereince sexual assult of harrasement

What is the point of this website?

Hello, my name is Alice , This website is here because I myself have recieved threats and has been harrased before. Often from males. And I know there are a ton of young females out there that are going through the same thing. So if you are a young women or a teenage girl. you can come to this website for help. By sharing your thoughts or just to simply speak to someone. (This is based in malaysia but potentially we could go international!)

We need your help.

Since this site is still very new, we need people who are willing to improve it. Examples like

  • People who are willing to watch and operate the site

  • a desigher to make this more asthetically pleasing

  • People who share the same experience and is comfortable with sharing.

if you are intrested, you can contact me by:

however, all the services will be free. Since this website will be based on myself and volunteers. Although you won't be getting payed, you will be getting opportunites to express yourself, anoymously or if you want to share your name. That's fine too